Regular Membership
Regular membership is available to any funeral firm licensed by the State of New York. Regular Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership. Each Regular Member will designate a licensed and registered funeral director, either an owner or employee of the firm, who shall vote on behalf of the firm and can hold elective office.
Regular Firm Affiliate Membership
Funeral directors licensed by the State of New York who are owners, managers, or paid employees of a firm or corporation which is a Regular Member firm of this Association shall be eligible for a Regular Firm Affiliate Membership upon the approval of the Regular Member firm with which the funeral director is affiliated. Regular Firm Affiliate Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership except voting. Should a Regular Firm Affiliate Member cease to be affiliated with a Regular Member firm as an owner, manager, or paid employee, the Regular Firm Affiliate Membership in the Association shall terminate. Complete the application and join today!
Individual Affiliate Membership
Funeral directors licensed by the State of New York who are paid employees, except for owners or managers, of a firm or corporation which is not a member of this Association, shall be eligible for an Individual Affiliate Membership. Individual Affiliate Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership except holding elected office and voting. Should an Individual Affiliate Member cease to be affiliated with a firm that is not a member of this Association or shall become an owner or manager of a firm that is not a member of this Association, the Individual Affiliate Membership in the Association shall terminate. Complete the application and join today!
Trade Service Affiliate Membership
Funeral directors licensed by the State of New York who (i) are providing trade services to a funeral firm licensed by the State of New York and (ii) the trade service is not a funeral firm licensed by the State of New York, shall be eligible for a Trade Service Affiliate Membership. Trade Service Affiliate Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership except holding elected office and voting. Should a Trade Service Affiliate Member commence providing trade services from a funeral firm licensed by the State of New York or should the trade service member cease working for the trade service, the Trade Service Affiliate Membership in the Association shall terminate. Complete the application and join today!
Supplier Affiliate Membership
Funeral directors licensed by the State of New York who (i) are providing supplier services to a funeral firm licensed by the State of New York and (ii) the supplier is not a funeral firm licensed by the State of New York, shall be eligible for a Supplier Affiliate Membership. Supplier Affiliate Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership except holding elected office and voting. Should a Supplier Affiliate Member cease providing services to funeral firm licensed by the State of New York or should the supplier member cease working for the supplier, the Supplier Affiliate Membership in the Association shall terminate. Complete the application and join today!
Legacy Membership
Individuals who had their membership in NYSFDA terminated due to their relationship as an owner, manager, partner or employee of a Regular Firm member ending is eligible for Legacy Membership if that individual is a licensed funeral director, undertaker or embalmer and is not an owner, manager, partner, or employee of any licensed funeral firm. Legacy Members are entitled to all privileges of membership except holding elected office and voting. Complete the application and join today!
Student & Resident Membership
All mortuary science students and residents registered with the NYS Department of Health. Student and resident members may not hold office nor are they eligible to vote. Student & Resident members receive a monthly newsletter, free or reduced continuing education, free registration to the NYSFDA Annual Convention, free NYS Law Book, and free "seeking residency" ad on the website. Click here to download the Student Membership Application
Who Can Join?
Membership in NYSFDA is open to any funeral firm licensed by the State of New York, and includes all funeral directors, undertakers, embalmers and registered residents of that firm who are similarly licensed by New York State.
How Do I Join?
Become a member of the nation's oldest Funeral Director associations. Click here to learn more, or contact NYSFDA at 518.452.8230 or