A program providing grief support, education and resources to families affected by the death of a loved one; considered by some as an extension of the services a funeral home provides at the time of need.
Alternative Container
A container used to hold human remains for cremation.
Arrangement Conference
A meeting between the funeral director and the family members of the deceased to prepare/finalize funeral arrangements. During this meeting, the funeral director will explain options, discuss the decedent’s wishes and written directions, and prepare a contract for the goods and services selected for the funeral service. This meeting usually takes place at the funeral home a day or two after the death.
Arrangement Room
An office at the funeral home where funeral arrangements are discussed with the funeral director.
(noun) A person who has suffered the death of a loved one.
(adjective) Suffering the death of a loved one.
A stand a casket is placed on.
The ritual of placing remains in a grave. Also known as “interment.”
Calling Hours
A time when friends and acquaintances gather at a funeral home to view the decedent’s body after it has been prepared by the funeral home. This is also a time to offer condolences to the surviving family members. Also known as “visitation” or “wake.”
Cash Advance Items
Any goods and services that a funeral home must purchase from a third party vendor on behalf of and paid for by the funeral director on the family’s behalf. These items are typically listed separately on the Statement of Goods and Services and may include such things as honorariums, cemetery charges, obituary listings and certified copies of death certificates.
A container designed to hold a body for burial.
Placing the body in the casket once it has been embalmed, dressed and cosmetized.
A Funeral Celebrant serves by providing a funeral service, memorial service or tribute that is personalized and individualized to reflect the personality and lifestyle of the deceased after consultation with the family and loved ones and coordination with the funeral home. Also known as “Funeral Celebrant.”
An area for burial of caskets and urns either in the ground or entombed in a wall or crypt.
A room in a funeral home used for funerals and often for the viewing of the deceased by mourners.
Church Truck
A stand with wheels that is placed under a casket to assist the funeral director and pallbearers when moving the casket to and from the church or funeral home for services.
A room or building with niches to store urns holding cremated remains.
Committal Service
The concluding rite of a funeral service or memorial service. It can take place at the funeral service, the back of the church, graveside or the crematorium.
A public official whose duty is to investigate the cause of death if it appears to be from other than natural causes, or if there was no physician in attendance for a long time prior to death.
A term specific to the funeral profession that refers to the utilization of cosmetics to restore life-like appearance to the deceased.
Ash and other elements of the deceased that remain following cremation. Also known as “cremated remains.”
Cremated Remains
Ash and other elements of the deceased that remain following cremation.
The reduction of human remains by intense heat and flame to ash and bone fragments.
Cremation Casket
A casket made of combustible material, designed specifically for cremation; see also “cremation container.”
Cremation Container
Simple containers, often constructed of cardboard or chipboard, which preserve the dignity of remains prior to cremation and to assist with the placement of the remains into the retort.
Cremation Permit
A certificate issued by local government authorizing cremation of the deceased.
A facility where cremation takes place.
A space in a mausoleum or in the ground where lawn crypts are placed to entomb casketed human remains; see also “mausoleum” and “lawn crypt.”
Death Certificate
A legal document, signed by a medical professional or a coroner, certifying the death of an individual.
Death Notice
A brief article announcing the death of an individual, typically placed in a newspaper.
Term referring to one who is dead.
Direct Disposition
The disposition of human remains without a formal viewing or funeral ceremony; also known as direct burial or direct cremation.
To exhume, or remove from a burial site.
Display Room
A room in the funeral home where caskets, urns, outer burial containers and other related items are displayed for individuals or families to select for purchase while planning a funeral or memorial service.
The means of laying human remains to rest; methods of disposition may include earth burial, entombment in a crypt, cremation, etc.
One who is trained and licensed in the surgical procedure of disinfecting or preserving deceased human bodies by the injection or application of preservatives and antiseptics.
The process by which a trained and licensed embalmer chemically treats a body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, retard organic decomposition and restore an acceptable physical appearance; embalming offers temporary preservation of a deceased person's body and allows for funerals to be held several days after the death has occurred by keeping the body in a viewable state.
The placement of human remains in a crypt or a tomb.
A form of public speaking at funerals or memorials used to honor and pay respect to the deceased.
A person who gives a eulogy at a funeral or memorial service.
Family Car
A limousine used in the funeral procession by the immediate family; usually provided by the funeral home.
Family Room
A room in the funeral home which allows the immediate family to have privacy during a visitation or funeral service.
First Call
The initial call to the funeral director to notify of the death and to arrange transfer.
Flower Car
A vehicle used to transport flowers from the funeral home to the church and/or cemetery.
A service commemorating the life of the deceased.
Funeral Arrangements
Plans established for the memorialization and disposition - whether made before or after death.
Funeral Celebrant
A person who serves as the leader of a funeral service; may be an ordained member of the clergy or a lay person who has received specialized training on rituals and funeral traditions. Utilizing the services of a funeral celebrant who is a lay person can be an option whether the service is intended to be of a religious nature or not, depending on the type of the service desired.
Funeral Coach
A motor vehicle designed and used for the conveyance of the casketed remains.
Funeral Director
A trained and licensed individual who provides support to the bereaved during initial stages of their grief; arranges and directs funeral ceremonies; arranges for the removal of the deceased from the place of death; prepares the body according to the wishes of the survivors and requirements of the law; secures information for legal documents; files death certificates and other legal papers; assists survivors with filing claims for death benefits; helps individuals adapt to changes in their lives following a death through after care services.
Funeral Home
A building used for the purpose of embalming, arranging and conducting funerals.
Funeral Procession
A procession, usually in motor vehicles, from the church or chapel to the cemetery.
Funeral Rule
Established in 1984 by the Federal Trade Commission, the Funeral Rule protects consumers' rights.
Funeral Service
The rites conducted before the disposition of the deceased.
Funeral Trust
A trust fund in which money is held until needed to pay for funeral costs.
General Price List (GPL)
A price list of all goods and services provided by a funeral home, including disclosures required by the Federal Trade Commission; see “funeral rule.”
An excavation in the earth for the purpose of burying the dead; see “interment.”
Grave Liner
A permanent outside container, generally consisting of a concrete box and a lid. It is not intended to demonstrate any sealed protection to the casket; see also “outer burial container.”
Grave Marker
A method of identifying the occupant of a particular grave, usually including such data as the name of the individual, date of birth and date of death.
Graveside Service
The concluding rite of a funeral service; or a memorial service taking place at the site of burial.
A marker placed at the site of a burial.
Green Burial (Green Funeral)
In natural or green burial, the body is buried, without embalming, in a natural setting; any shroud or casket that is used must be biodegradable, nontoxic and of sustainable material; traditional standing headstones are not permitted. Instead, flat rocks, plants or trees may serve as grave markers. A “natural or green burial” may also simply mean burial without embalming, in a biodegradable casket without a vault, when permitted by a cemetery.
Intense sorrow experienced following the death of a loved one.
A marker placed at the site of a burial.
A specially designed vehicle provided by the funeral home to transport remains; see also funeral coach.
Honorary Casket Bearer
A person who is accorded the honor of escorting the casket, similar to a casket bearer, but does not actually carry the casket; also called an honorary pallbearer.
In State
The custom of presenting the deceased for viewing by mourners and others, prior to or after the funeral service.
The placement of the deceased in a grave or a columbarium.
Interment Fee
Cemetery fee for the digging and refilling of the grave.
The placement of cremated remains in an urn.
Designed to hold a small portion of cremated remains, keepsakes come in a variety of styles, including, miniature urns, jewelry, photo frames and other suitable objects. The cremated remains are placed in the keepsake and distributed among immediate family members. Also known as memento urns.
Lawn Crypt
A permanent underground crypt usually constructed of reinforced concrete or similar material installed in multiple units for the entombment of human remains.
A chauffeured automobile designed to seat six or more persons behind the driver's seat; generally used to transport the immediate family from the place of the funeral service to the cemetery.
Lowering Device
A mechanism used for lowering the casket into the grave.
A public or private building with crypts for the entombment of casketed remains or cremated remains; see also “crypt.”
Medical Examiner
A medically qualified public officer whose duty is to investigate deaths occurring under unusual or suspicious circumstances, to perform post-mortems and to initiate inquests.
Memento Urns
Miniature urns designed to hold a small portion of cremated remains; cremated remains are placed in memento urns and distributed among immediate family members.
A monument or grave marker identifying a grave or graves; a nameplate or inscription identifying a crypt or niche; a marker, garden bench, statue, etc., placed in a meaningful location to honor the dead.
Memorial Service
A service, held without the body present, that commemorates the life of the deceased.
Typically made of granite, monuments can take on various forms; they are engraved with the names of the deceased and dates of birth and death; depending on the size of the stone, anniversary dates, names of children, favorite sayings, poems, scriptures or songs may be included; sometimes called a headstone, tombstone or gravestone.
A trained and licensed individual who provides support to the bereaved during initial stages of their grief; arranges and directs funeral ceremonies; arranges for the removal of the deceased from the place of death; prepares the body according to the wishes of the survivors and requirements of the law; secures information for legal documents; files death certificates and other legal papers; assists survivors with filing claims for death benefits; helps individuals adapt to changes in their lives following a death through after care services.
A building used for the purpose of embalming, arranging and conducting funerals.
Mortuary Science
The study of the dead human body and the processes related to care and preparation for final disposition.
To feel or express sorrow or grief.
Natural Burial
In natural or green burial, the body is buried, without embalming, in a natural setting; any shroud or casket that is used must be biodegradable, nontoxic and of sustainable material; traditional standing headstones are not permitted. Instead, flat rocks, plants or trees may serve as grave markers. A “natural or green burial” may also simply mean burial without embalming, in a biodegradable casket without a vault, when permitted by a cemetery.
Natural Organic Reduction
Natural Organic Reduction (NOR) is defined as “the contained, accelerated conversion of human remains to soil.” This process uses large tanks, containers, or similar vessels to hold human remains together with straw, wood chips, and/or other natural materials for a period of time of about four to six weeks. This form of final disposition was signed into law on December 30, 2022 by NYS Governor Kathy Hochul. The State is currently in the regulatory process (as of September 2023).
A space in a wall or structure to hold urns containing cremated remains.
Niche Garden
An outdoor garden containing structures with niches.
A published notice of a person's death which typically contains biographical details and information about funeral or memorial services.
A person who leads or officiates a funeral or memorial service.
Opening and Closing Fee
Cemetery fee for the digging and refilling of the grave; see also “interment fee.”
Outer Burial Container
A rigid container that protects caskets from the weight of the soil; they are often required by cemeteries because they prevent the soil from collapsing into the grave following the interment; also called a vault or grave liner.
Online Condolences
A public expression of sympathy for another person’s grief; typically, these tributes are posted by family and friends at the deceased person’s online obituary located on the funeral home website or other location.
One of several people who assist in carrying a casket during a funeral service.
Perpetual Care Trust Funds
A portion of the burial plot cost set aside in a trust fund for its ongoing care.
An area of ground in a cemetery used for the interment of human remains.
Prearranged Funeral
A funeral that has been arranged prior to a person's death; see also “preplanning.”
Prearranged Funeral Trust
A trust fund in which money is held until needed to pay for funeral costs.
Preparation Room
A room in the funeral home where remains are prepared for viewing; preparation includes embalming, clothing the body, applying cosmetics, styling the hair and placing the remains in a casket.
The process of working with a funeral director or preplanning consultant to plan one's funeral in advance of death; the process includes selecting the type of funeral or memorial service, methods of disposition, funeral merchandise, cemetery plot locations, memorials, songs, casket bearers, etc.; many people who preplan their funeral services may also prepay for them through an insurance policy, a trust or other investment means. Also referred to as, “advance funeral planning.”
A procession, usually in motor vehicles, from the church or chapel to the cemetery.
Register Book
A book made available by the funeral director for the recording of names of people visiting the funeral home to pay their respects to the deceased, as well as those in attendance at the funeral or memorial service.
Registered Resident
An individual who has graduated from a mortuary science college program and is now working full-time at a funeral home to learn and build their embalming and funeral directing skills. A registered resident works under the director supervision of an experienced, licensed funeral director for one year. The one-year residency is required to apply for a NYS funeral directing license.
Securing and transporting human remains from the place of death.
The chamber in which a body is cremated.
The physical process of spreading cremated remains over land or water in a random manner as a means of final disposition.
Selection Room
A room in the funeral home where caskets, urns, outer burial containers and other related items are displayed for individuals or families to select for purchase while planning a funeral or memorial service; also known as a “display room.”
Statement of Funeral Goods and Services
An itemized list of the goods and services the consumer has selected during the arrangement conference. The Statement allows consumers to evaluate their selections and make any desired changes.
State Room
A room in a funeral home where visitations are held; the term is derived from a body lying in state for viewing by friends and family; see also visitation room.
Those who have outlived the deceased, especially family members.
A chamber excavated from earth or rock specifically for receiving human remains.
Typically made of granite, monuments can take on various forms; they are engraved with the names of the deceased and dates of birth and death; depending on the size of the stone, anniversary dates, names of children, favorite sayings, poems, scriptures or songs may be included; sometimes called a headstone, tombstone or gravestone.
Transit Permit
A permit issued by a local or state authority allowing a body to be transported to the place of burial or cremation, usually out-of-state.
A term used initially the 1700s to describe a contractor which, later, referred to one whose work involved funeral services for the deceased.
A container designed to hold cremated remains. Urns can be made of wood, metal, glass or other natural materials.
Urn Garden
A garden containing urn burial sites.
Urn Placement
The permanent placement of an urn into a niche or urn burial site.
Urn Vault
A permanent outside container with an interior encasement, made of concrete, plastic, fiberglass or stone materials wherein the container holding the cremated remains are placed.
A permanent outside container of grade better than a grave liner or concrete box, which is sealed and affords protection to the casket.
Video Tribute
A memorial video created with a compilation of photographs or home movies to honor the life of a loved one; can be played during the visitation or funeral service.
A gathering held with the deceased's body present; a time for family and friends to express condolences and support one another; also called a viewing, wake or calling hours.
A Roman Catholic religious service held on the eve of the funeral service; may include the recitation of the Rosary.
A gathering held with the deceased's body present; a time for family and friends to express condolences and support one another; also called a viewing, wake or calling hours.
Visitation Room
A room in a funeral home where the body lies prior to the funeral service so people may view the deceased; see also “state room.”
A gathering held with the deceased's body present; a time for family and friends to express condolences and support one another; also called a viewing, wake or calling hours.
Technology that allows family and friends to "attend" a funeral or memorial service from a remote location via streaming video over the Internet.