NYSFDA Regions & Locals

Click here for an expanded Regional Map.

The New York State Funeral Directors Association (NYSFDA) is made up of nine Regions and each Region elects a Director to represent the Region on the NYSFDA Board of Directors.

  • Region I
    John Latimore, Latimore-Schiavone FH, Angola

    716.549.3311 | john@latimoreFH.com
    (Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara)

  • Region II
    David Rogers, Metropolitan Funeral Chapels Inc., Rochester

    585.436.7730 | dlrogers_35@yahoo.com
    (Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates)

  • Region III
    Edward Stanimer, Johnston & Stanimer Funeral Home, Morris
    607.263.5795 | johnstonfuneral@frontier.com
    (Broome, Cayuga, Chemung, Chennago, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Tioga, Tompkins)

  • Region IV
    Michelle Ironside Kinville, Ironside Funeral Home, Oneida
    315.363.2978 | mikinville@ironsidefuneralhome.com
    (Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, St. Lawrence)

  • Region V
    Nicholas DeCelle, William J. Burke & Sons Funeral Home, Saratoga Springs
    518.584.5373 | nick@burkefuneralhome.com
    (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington)

  • Region VI
    Carrie-Lynne Sorvari, New Comer Cremations & Funerals, Albany
    315.404.3591 | csorvari@newcomer.com 
    (Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Schenectady)

  • Region VII
    Bruce Troy, Burnett & White Funeral Homes, Red Hook
    845.758.5042 | btroy@burnett-white.com
    (Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster)

  • Region VIII
    Jennifer Graziano, Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Mamaroneck
    914.698.5968 | jennifer@coxeandgraziano.com
    (Westchester, Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond)

  • Region IX
    Peter D'Arienzo, CFSP, Claude R. Boyd-Spencer Funeral Homes, Babylon
    631.669.2400 | peter.darienzo@dignitymemorial.com
    (Nassau, Suffolk)

Local FDAs

In addition to Regions, there are also several local Funeral Director Associations (FDAs) around the state.