American Flag Status

American Flag Status

On December 29, 2024, President Biden directed that the flag of the United States be displayed at half-staff in honor and tribute to the memory of President James Earl Carter, Jr. until January 29, 2025. Read the full proclamation.

The following list details current half-staff declarations in New York State.

From the Office of General Services

The national flag should be displayed at half-staff on the days noted below, or on other days by special proclamation of the United States President or New York State Governor.

  • Sunday, May 4, 2025 | National Fallen Firefighters - Flags must be flown at half-staff.
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 | Peace Officers Memorial Day - Flags must be flown at half-staff unless that day also falls on Armed Forces Day.
  • Monday, May 26, 2025 | Memorial Day - Flags must be flown at half-staff until Noon, and at top of the staff for the rest of the day.
  • Thursday, September 11, 2025 | Patriot Day - Flags must be flown at half-staff.
  • Sunday, December 7, 2025 | Pearl Harbor Remembrance - Flags must be flown at half-staff.

How long should the flag be lowered? On standard half-staff days except for Memorial Day, the flag is lowered at sunrise and raised back to full-staff at sunset. The flag is lowered only until Noon on Memorial Day. During days where a declaration is made in honor of victims, official declarations typically request flags be lowered until interment, then raised back to full staff.  

Sign-up below to get a text when the American Flag should be lowered to half-staff.

Respecting the American Flag

Q: How long should the flag be at half-staff?
A: Usually the flags should be at half-staff from sunrise to sunset, but on Memorial Day it is sunrise to noon.

Q: What is the proper way to raise and lower the flag to half-staff positioning?
A: When raising and lowering the flag, bring it to the top of the pole for just a moment before bringing it into position or taking it in for the night.

Q: What if I can’t fly my flag at half-staff?
A: You can buy a mourning bow (black ribbon) for the top of your pole and that will represent half-staff.

Q: Are there any requirements for flying the flag at night?
A: The flag must be illuminated if it is being flown in the dark.

How to Purchase a United States or New York State Flag

From the Office of General Services

The New York State Office of General Services provides the public with the opportunity to purchase the United States or New York State flag for a nominal fee.

Order a Flag