State Legislature Down to Final Weeks Before Adjournment
By Randy McCullough, CAE, Director of Governmental Affairs
As I write this on May 28, there are only seven scheduled Session days for the State Senate and Assembly to complete their work in Albany before adjourning for the year in what is expected to be a highly charged year for many in both the primaries and general election in November. That anticipation and angst of what is to come will no doubt serve as the main impetus to forestall any “slide” to extend the Session beyond the June 6 closing date, or the end of that week at the very latest. That historically significant date will take on just a bit more added meaning this year at the State Capitol.
NYSFDA is still heavily engaged in these final days, working against the clock and some opposition from other interests to pass our priority legislation that would:
- Clarify the authority of a hospice medical director to the list of authorized personnel who can legally sign a death certificate;
- Require nursing homes to have a plan to designate an area for refrigerated space for the storage of bodies of deceased persons; and,
- Strengthen and streamline the NYS final disposition law, including by giving public administrators more liability protection to authorize cremations.
A complete report of how these priority matters end up, as well as more information on the full scope of issues we have been involved in so far this year, will be provided in an “End-of-Session Wrap-Up” article in the July newsletter.