Newsletters, August 2023

PrePlan Funeral Trust Celebrates 35 Years

Posted 7/31/2023 at 10:00pm

PrePlan Funeral Trust Celebrates 35 Years

It’s our anniversary! For 35 years, PrePlan has served as New York’s leading pre-funded funeral trust administrator. Over the years we’ve grown in both size and service and have proudly supported NYSFDA members for decades. Currently nearly 600 funeral homes across New York State offer PrePlan’s trusted services to over 100,000 consumers. Thank you for being a part of our history and continued growth.

As we celebrate 35 years of providing the Gold Standard to you and the families you serve, it’s a great time to reflect on how PrePlan protects your business and your families’ assets:

  • Funds are 100% government-backed and we consider each investment decision carefully.
  • Quarterly audits conducted by an independent firm ensure all investments are fully secure and compliant, checks and balances are in place, and all legal requirements are met.
  • Knowledgeable and experienced staff well-versed in New York State preneed law and Medicaid/SSI compliance issues.
  • Accredited by the Better Business Bureau, PrePlan proudly holds an A+ rating for over a decade.
  • An exclusive NYSFDA member benefit, PrePlan is the only funeral trust created by New York funeral directors for New York funeral directors.

Plus, working with PrePlan is convenient and easy. Listening to participating firms’ needs and families’ requests, we offer:

  • Same-day processing, ensuring claims are taken care of promptly and efficiently. 
  • Secure direct deposit of death claim payments into a firm's bank account. It’s safe, accurate, and fast. 
  • Electronic submission of death claims – the process is 100% compliant, quick, easy, and ensures prompt payment.
  • A partnership with DocuSign* allows participating member firms to assist consumers with prearranging and signing documents from anywhere, at any time. Plus, unlike other providers, we don’t limit your access to only prefunding documents. This could mean savings of $400+/year for your firm!
  • Participating firms have the option to offer credit cards** on initial and additional deposits on accounts, giving consumers more options and greater flexibility.

Visit the website for details on all these features.

Totally Tubular…PrePlan is 35!

We’re going to turn back time! Grab your neon leg warmers, throw on the muscle shirts and acid wash jeans and help us celebrate the decade PrePlan got started! Throughout this year’s NYSFDA Convention we’ll rock out to metal bands, test our 80s knowledge, and toast 35 years of providing The Gold Standard to New York’s families. It’ll be most excellent, so be there or be square!

*Must be an active PrePlan participating NYSFDA member firm; no fee.

**The service fee will be passed along to consumers.